How to choose a car


Child carriage cars Tolokars, designed for children under 1-3 years, have long been popular in Europe. These cars appeared in Georgia a few years ago and soon got the attention of their parents. Children can move the wheels to the ground and not using pedals. They have the opportunity to define the direction and improve their coordination skills.

Initially, when I 'm starting to stand on my feet, the car is used as a strap and a hand-to-hand stroll. In such a time it is important that the car be solid Construction.

With these cars the little ones begin to enjoy before you can land and move around, so you can buy it for up to 1 year. Catching hands on the buttons, steering wheel or wheel trim and a car's eye is the favorite entertainment of the little ones.

After all this, they are studying the cars independently. Children are somehow very fond of walking back. Within a few seconds, they will be pulling backwards as well as the front and back of the sound signals.

However, the car's car functions do not expire. The children begin to wear toys in the car and pick up toys.

What should we pay attention to when buying a car?


Little children spend time in their home. Plastic wheels are ideal for a walk in the room. Rubber wheels are better for walking in the yard, but the car will be more rarely seen with rubber wheels.

If you are planning to buy a plastic wheel, press the button.

Height of the chair seat.

Some cars are designed for 1-1.5 children and are therefore low, are the high models that are 1.5 This will be uncomfortable for a child of the year, so you can choose the choice of intermediate variants that will be between 1 and 3 years old.

The models presented on our site are precisely for this age group.

Angle of wheel and wheel rotator
It's important that the steering wheel is moving slightly. This is necessary for the child to express the connection between the steering wheel and the wheel of the wheel.


Children often At the edge of the lake is beautiful. The center of gravity model of the models is constructed so that it is almost impossible to overturn.


It is a good entertainment for the child. During the day they can tirelessly repair and sell a thousand items.

Musical buttons

What's often irritating for a parent is a great fun for a child, especially when catching a sound signal on the steering wheel. If the noise gets bored, you can simply remove the elements.

High handle

With a high handle parent without extra effort (without tilt or other tired movements) can pay attention to the child and help move

Safety and quality

On our site the trucks presented Ugly Funny Toys Plastfont-size: 1em; "> and Turkish" Pilsan "brands, these brands are distinguished by quality and are tested by international organizations of quality control.